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Building awareness
in the Company -
& Inclusion In a company like Costa, with its rich mix of professions, cultures and skills, the fostering of
diversity is a vital, strategic element. For this reason we create and maintain a work environment
guaranteeing equal opportunity, security and freedom of expression for everyone. Our
Diversity & Inclusion program, supervised by the Diversity & Inclusion Manager, is designed
to guide policy in support of integrated and inclusive development, assisting the Company to
realize its full business potential associated with the dissemination of best practices leveraging
diversity. Costa is well aware of the complexity of managing diversity: differences in the
composition of the workforce with regard to gender, ethnicity, social class, disability, sexual
orientation, religion, age and nationality intersect at different levels, and it is imperative to
ensure that no form of discrimination occurs. Accordingly, Costa is a signatory to important
declarations of intent such as the Manifesto for Female Employment promoted by the global
inclusion group Valore D and the Italian Charter for Equal Opportunities and Equality at
Work backed by Sodalitas, a foundation for the promotion of corporate social responsibility,
concrete tools for the implementation of inclusive policies and the dissemination of an
empowering corporate culture. Costa promotes correct behaviors through policies building
a culture of dignity and respect. Our Harassment & Bullying program includes employee
training while our partnership with the non-profit association Parole O_stili and the signing
of the Non-hostile Communication Manifesto also uphold appropriate styles of responsible
communication on board and shoreside, face-to-face and online. Much in the same direction is
our new Use of Social Media corporate policy, which refers to the principles of the Manifesto.
In line with its values, Costa promotes respect for different cultural and religious traditions,
and enhances awareness (of traditional foods, national holidays celebrated by the crew, and
cultural sensitivity with specific courses), this being particularly relevant given the multicultural This initiative is part of our Diversity & Inclusion program promoting gender equality in
shipboard living and working environment. Also, we continued with the online instruction the Company; this involves ensuring career advancement for women in Costa, reducing the
called Embracing Diversity, administered in collaboration with Milan Polytechnic, TU-Berlin gender gap in key management positions, and engagement in efforts to build a corporate
and the Université Libre de Bruxelles; this course, available for all our employees, explores culture of gender equality in what is traditionally seen as a predominantly masculine industry.
the role of gender and sexual orientation in the world of work and suggests models of correct Costa Cruises implements a policy of gender equitable recruitment, taking into account the
behavior. specificity of the maritime sector, and including structured succession plans for all levels of
Costa has other safeguards, for example its Transgender Employees in the Workplace policy, responsibility so as to guarantee equal opportunity for women to reach key positions. Both
guaranteeing that transgender employees are supported. The policy ensures the inclusion of on board and shoreside, Costa guarantees equal pay for equal work as well as the same
“gender identity or expression” among the list of protected categories in Costa’s firm-wide non- contractual conditions, incentives and access to benefits for men and women. In 2019 Costa
discrimination and anti-harassment guidelines. It also provides useful information regarding Fortuna was the venue for a key event marking World Maritime Day (WMD), celebrated
mutual understanding and appropriate behavior in support of co-workers. every year by the United Nations through the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
On board our ships, the crew TV station WIDE Channel is designed to convey certain key The theme for WMD 2019 was “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”, and
messages for the Company such as empowerment of Costa people and crossing of cultural Costa hosted a one-day conference organized by WISTA Italia and the International Propeller
barriers, and has special programming. With specific regard to female empowerment, an Club Genoa. The aim was to underline how the contribution of women to shipping and
issue that Costa feels very strongly about, we have introduced a new program, Talk to Her, allied industries spurs growth and development, and benefits everyone working in the global
whereby female employees are given the opportunity to talk about themselves and how their maritime community. One of the keynote speakers at the seminar was Giulia Lo Storto, 3
professional contributions are making a difference; this is another way of overcoming gender Deck Officer on Costa Fortuna, who illustrated our corporate initiatives promoting equality
stereotyping. and diversity.